Lagging after update?
  • Hello, first thanks for all nice work!
    Have built an arcade game based on a Raspberry Pi B+ card. Just updated from the nice menu system, think I'm now att piplay 0,8 beta 10 ? Guess there is some nice way to get current version?. Had however some lagging using mame4all. Traced it down to that a gunicorn process where using allot of cpu. Seems to be a web server but not really sure what it used for?
    I removed it from my configuration by editing

    sudo vi /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gunicorn.conf
    and change these two rows to false:


    and rebooted.

    Works now without lagging but i guess it was there for a purpose?
    Any ideas?
    Thanks /Scooterboy
  • hmmm... gunicorn shouldn't have been using much resources, that's why we chose it. In any case, it's not entirely necessary. It runs the web frontend that is used for easily uploading roms and making edits to the various databases. Once you have everything set up, you almost never even need it.
  • Don't know. It said "10" in the left corner when i rand the update. Guess I'm a bit lost about my version. Think i took an early beta in the beginning and then ran update yesterday.
  • Ok, thanks mholgatem, that was my guess. Traced it with a top when the game was running. Was making cpu-spikes that made it lagging quite a bit.
  • @Caver01 - The 10 is just the internal numbering system that Shea uses. We haven't released a new version for a while.

    @scooterboy - did you set your memory split in raspi-config to something like 128?
  • Ok, thanks. Whats the correct way to see your current version? Yeah @mholgatem, tried 128 and 256. Also tried some more overclocking. Think I'm running "Normal" or similar to that. No noticeable change actually until i stopped the http server.
  • hmm... I'm wondering why your server giving you cpu spikes. I think that there is a listing the config database that tells you what the current version is.

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