how do i install properly PIPLAY?
  • sorry about this silly question, but I´m new and I do not know nothing about this kind of stuff.
    I hope you could help me with my problem.
    I am trying to build my personal arcade and i will love to finish it and no being stucked in such a stupid way because of mi ignorance
    could anyone help me explaining how to install properly PIPLAY
    you should know that i do not know anything at all
    thank for your help
  • Do you currently use Windows or a Mac?
  • I use windows
    but my problem is after flashing the image in the sd card
    I open raspi-config and I expand the file system an after that i do not know how to continue
  • ok, did you flash the piplay image to the sd card or did you flash raspbian? Either way works, but if you did raspbian, then you will need to follow these directions.
  • I flased piplay
    PiPlay 0.8.0 Beta 9
  • first, make sure that you are booting to the command line, not the desktop:
    sudo raspi-config
    choose option 3: boot to Desktop/scratch
    Console Text console, requiring login (default)

    next you want to check your /home/pi/.profile record. This is a file that gets run on startup and should be what calls the piplay main function.

    If you can't find the following lines in the .profile record, then you need to add them:
    type -> nano ~/.profile
    if [ "$DISPLAY" == "" ] && [ "$SSH_CLIENT" == "" ] && [ "$SSH_TTY" == "" ]; then
    cd /home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/

    ctrl+x will exit, (if changes have been made, press 'Y' to save them)
    Then type 'exit' and that should reload .profile and launch piplay.
  • I did the first step but I don't know how to do the next one
    I have tried to type
    nano ~/.profile
    but it puts there is no file or directory
    and when I try to launchmenu it does something but then always is stuck in the same place where I can type commands

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