Button exits snes even after remap
  • Bought a snes to usb adapter and works great but every time I hit the "B" it exits the emu even after remapping the controller on the tab config, have even set "B" to a keyboard button and if I hit "B" on the controller it still exits the emu. Any help would be great have been working on this for a bit, feel like I am running into a wall again and again.
  • It's not you. It's the formatter that handles SNES. It'll be fixed in the next update. In the meantime you can do this.
    in command line, type this:
    cd ~/pimame/controller-setup/formatters/
    wget -O pisnes.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mholgatem/controller-setup/master/formatters/pisnes.py
  • Thank you, I ended up just using ftp and edited the file by hand, set the esc key to one of the bumpers and then set it to 999 in the file since start and select allow me to exit anyways. glad to know I was not going crazy though lol.

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