Cannot open /home/pi/pimame/config/piplay-sound.state for reading: No such file or directory
  • I just installed. v0.8 Beta 9 I've connected a mouse only. Every time I try to move the mouse I get an error message: Cannot open /home/pi/pimame/config/piplay-sound.state for reading: No such file or directory There is a traceback as well but does anyone know where it is logged so I can share it here?
  • I tried forcing the audio to hdmi with the raspi-config script but that did not help.
    Output of amixer afterwards:
    pi@piplay ~ $ amixer cset numid=3 P
    numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Route'
    ; type=INTEGER,access=rw------,values=1,min=0,max=2,step=0
    : values=0

    I tried forcing hdmi mode: (/boot/config.txt)
    That did not work

    I kept getting the missing file error message.

    touch /home/pi/pimame/config/piplay-sound.state
    The file is present:
    pi@piplay ~/pimame/config $ ls -al | grep sound
    -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 0 Aug 25 19:44 piplay-sound.state

    But I get the error message: No state is present for card ALSA
    Traceback (most recent all last):
    File "", line 69, in
    File "" line 53, in main
    if action: update_display = manager.scene.handle_events(action)
    File "/home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/pmenu/", line 318, in handle_events
    AttributeError: 'MainScene' object has no attribute 'set_selected_index'

    Are there other options?
  • I believe that there is an error using the mouse in this version. It's been a while since this version released, but I think that someone else had pointed it out early on. you may try just using a keyboard and I'll look into it more when I have a chance.
  • I don't have a usb keyboard at hand. But my wireless x360 receiver arrived and I did a quick test and did not receive the same error message.
    Thanks for the hint, I'll now be reading up on how to configure the x360 controller :)
  • Hello. I'm having the same problem with 0.8b9. I tried it in two RPi 2 Model B boards and got the same error. It crashes whenever I move the mouse, trackball, or rotary encoder. I flashed the image to the SD card on OSX 10.11 using the "sudo dd bs=1m if=path_of_your_image.img of=/dev/rdiskn" command I found here:

    Error message:

    Have there been any new developments since August?

    In the meantime I'll try downgrading to b8.

    EDIT: Just tried 0.8b8 with a different USB mouse and it still crashed. The error message was almost the same except on line 10 it says "line 259" instead of "line 318". Strange. All things being equal, shouldn't everyone (or at least more people) be getting this error?

    Thank you!
  • You can try copying my latest repo. It's been a while since I've done any work on it, so I don't remember how far it has come. A cursory glance at the pmmenu/ file makes it look like it should work.
  • Thanks a lot! I will give it a try but I'm having trouble figuring out the next step. I can see that they're python scripts but I'm not sure what to do with them.
  • !Make a backup first!

    then just copy them to the corresponding files in /home/pi/pimame/pmmenu/
    then run piplay like normal.
  • It worked!

    I downloaded the zip file at, then I unzipped it and loaded it onto a thumb drive.

    I started up PiPlay, went to Exit and typed 'startx' at the command prompt.

    Then I navigated to /home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/ (not /home/pi/pimame/pmmenu/) and overwrote the pmmenu folder with the one I got from github.

    I rebooted and tested the trackball with Marble Madness and it worked! I had to increase the sensitivity of the analog input to about 75% in MAME4All but after that it seems to be doing fine!

    I am having trouble getting the spinner (rotary encoder) to work in AdvMAME but that's another issue.

    Did this whole problem occur because I was running PiPlay on an Rpi 2 Model B instead of the original Rpi?

    Thank you!
  • no, we had re-written how piplay handles input and somewhere along the line mouse input got messed up. It's still not 100% buts it's getting there :D I'm glad that you got it working!

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