xboxdrv_mapping.cfg / Controller Configuration / pisnes.snes9x.cfg in PiPlay
  • Can someone explain the difference between the above cfg files?

    Do I need to edit SNES controls in PiPlays' Controller configuration (TAB MENU --> SNES) and pisnes.snes9x.cfg?

    I've nearly got the controller working after I blacklisted XPAD but I'm still a little confused ;)

  • ok, so xboxdrv_mapping.cfg is what is used by the xbox drivers to map the buttons and joysticks on your xbox controller to keystrokes and whatnot.

    the piplay controller config asks you to configure your buttons, then directly re-writes the configuration file for that emulator. It is just a convenience thing. You can manually rewrite the snes9x.cfg file yourself if you want to. It's the same either way.

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