[SOLVED]iBuffalo SNES GamePad won't configure
  • Hello!

    So I got PiPlay Beta9 all setup and I'm trying to configure the following controller: http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E

    I was able to plug it in an play without configuring but found that only X,Y, the Shoulder Buttons and the DPad worked.

    I then used the built in configuration tool however now that makes it so that when I press a button other than the Dpad o, Start, or shoulder buttons, it exits the game.

    - Has anyone had any experience with this controller or anything similar?
    - Anyone have any idea why this might be?

    Let me know if you need anymore info. Thanks for making such an awesome platform(and for putting CaveStory on there...such a classic)!
  • which emulator?
  • it sounds like the default config is kicking in for some reason (which mistakenly assigns button0 to the quit button).
    try this:
    sudo apt-get install joystick

    Then run jstest and test each button (write down the value for each button):

    jstest /dev/input/js0

    (replace js0 with js1, js2, etc. if you have multiple joysticks plugged in)

    Press Ctrl-C to exit.

    then just edit /home/pi/pimame/emulators/pisnes/snes9x.cfg and manually put in your values.
  • Thanks! I'll try this when I get home tonight and respond if I have any issues.
  • Okay so I checked the button values with jstest and they all checked out just fine. Then I configured the controller again using the internal GUI (I configured "EXIT_PROGRAM" to "Esc" and not "A"). The issue still occurred when I pressed "A"

    Whenever I run the ROM (Earthbound in this case), this text showed up:
    "SDL_JoystickGetAxis value :0:"
    "SDL_JoystickGetButton value:0:"

    I assumed this was normal but I figured I'd give a snapshot on what I'm seeing.

    Any thoughts? Is this controller just dumb? Any recommended SNES controllers?

    Thanks for all your help!
  • the text that shows up is normal, it's just a debug message from a background program that we have no control over. The problem that you are having is a known bug, In the pisnes config, there are 2 Quit options (one for keyboard and one for joystick). If you use the keyboard (ESC), then the default joystick gets used.

    in the terminal, type this:
    nano /home/pi/pimame/emulators/pisnes/snes9x.cfg
    At the top you will see [keyboard]
    scroll down until you see [Joystick]
    then scroll down past player1 and player2, you will find the #joystick options
    change QUIT=0 to QUIT=999
    CTRL+O to save
    CTRL+X to exit
  • It worked! Thanks for the help!
  • Cool! Glad to help.

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