Download takes 8 hours - Possible Torrent?
  • I read the article in Make magazine about setting up the Raspberry Pi with PiPlay, and I went to download the software a few times from SourceForge and it went from taking 4 hours do download the zip to 8 hours. I tried switching to a closer mirror and it would take even longer. Is this normal?

    Once I get it the latest BETA downloaded, would it be a problem if I tried to start a torrent of it? Is there one available already so it won't take everyone 8 hours just to download the software?

    Thanks, I'm a newbie. Sort of.
  • you are welcome to start a torrent of it if you want.

    Rather than downloading the sourceforge image, you can just grab the latest version of raspbian (torrent or zip). Then run the piplay installer

    in the terminal type:
    cd ~
    git clone
    cd piplay-installer

  • Thanks. That will be helpful. I wasn't sure if I did that from my PC or if it could be done directly from the Rasp.

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