Boot directly to C64 emulator
  • Hi! I'd like to be able to boot directly to C64 instead of the PiMame menu. I believe I need to edit /home/pi/.profile , but I'm not sure what I need to edit exactly.

    Second question: is there any way to get rid of intro movie and boot directly to C64 ?
  • the command for c64 is just x64
    just add that to your .profile (make sure that you comment out the line)

    You can change the intro movie or remove it. If you remove it, you will just be watching boot text. just rename (or replace) /home/pi/pimame/ to /home/pi/pimame/
  • Thanks. I have another problem. I'm using Piplay latest version. I do the F12 autostart image, select the rom, vice tries to load it but the rom name is a bunch of symbols. then it says run and then goes to the ready prompt. All games that I tried goes to ready prompt. What's the problem?
  • No, in childhood I had only HC 91 (ZX Spectrum Romanian clone).
    I downloaded other games roms from another site and these seems to work.
    Another question: is there any way to listen sid songs in this emulator?
  • Thanks.

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