X-Arcade TankStick only working in SNES
  • Running the latest 0.8b9, written as an image to SD. Boots beautifully on my Raspberry Pi 2 B, and the TankStick works perfectly for the basic interface. I ran the control-mapping setup for Arcade, NES, and SNES (the only systems I'm using at the moment), and the interface appears to have recognized all the appropriate keys.

    Then when I go to test out a ROM, odd stuff happens. In the case of MAME4ALL, I need to use a keyboard's directional pad, and the P1 buttons. In at least one game (1941), the P2 controls appeared to work perfectly on their own. In the NES emulator, pretty much nothing aside from select/start seems to work (mapped to the bottom two keys on the P1 side). Oddly, for SNES, every button and the joystick work perfectly.

    What on earth is going on? Does anyone have an idea on what could be happening?

  • mame4all has to be mapped individually (within the emulator, just run a game and then press 'tab' on your keyboard)

    I'm not sure what is going on with the nes emulator though.
  • Thanks for the response!

    I tried this, and the first results were that when I attempted to map the actions to the left (p1) joystick, no action was recorded, and "none" became the default action for the action ("up", for example - I never got beyond that.

    Ultimately, I ended up fat-fingering it and mapping the up key to enter, and being unable to remap anything. I'll re-flash the entire ROM to get things back to stock and functional.

    And the p1 joystick still works beautifully for PiPlay itself, and for the SNES. VERY weird.

    Thanks for your help!
  • yeah, the problem is that each emulator handles the controllers differently. I'm not super familiar with the tankstick, does it send keystroke commands or does it register as a HID joystick?

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