set button 1 as Enter as well as Left Ctrl in Advmame
  • Hi guys,

    First up: great resource. Thanks for all the work.

    Now my question. I'm so close to keyboard free. I'm primarily going to be using Advmame. I'm using a 4 microswitch joystick and 4 buttons (Fire, Bomb, Credit and Start). I've added LCTRL to controller.yaml so I can enter a rom from the menu with the button mapped to GPIO 23. I've setup Adafruit's retrogame so I can play the game and escape using the vulcan pinch of holding the credit and start buttons (GPIO 18 and GPIO 27). I can then use the joystick to move the focus in advmame from "Continue?" to "Exit". But then I can't select it with the fire button, presumably because the LCTRL mapping is only valid for the Piplay menu. Do I have to add another button just to select?

    Once again, great work setting all this up.

  • If you check out the advmame.rc file, there should be on option to either disable the confirmation part or set the UI_confirm (it may be called UI_select) to a different button. I'm away from my computer for the next week, so i can't dig into it more for you, but you can probably get take it from here
  • Much appreciated. I'll be back if I have any problems but yes, I should be able to sort it from here.

    Thanks a lot,
  • I have the same problem Ryan. Havent found time to look further into it but do keep me posted on your progress and what you do as a remedy.

  • Sorted. Opened /home/pi/.advance/advmame.rc and added the line:

    input_map[ui_select] keyboard[0,lcontrol]

    just before the line:

    input_map[ui_cancel] keyboard[1,scan0] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,1] keyboard[0,2] or keyboard[0,esc] or keyboard[1,scan0]

    Probably doesn't matter where the line goes but it seemed the logical place for neatness sake. My player 1 fire button is mapped to left control in retrogame so now left control is mapped to [ui_select] in advance mame.


  • Thanks very much, will def give that a crack.
  • Hmm yeah that wont work for me, get and "unknown input error", or something along those likes. Tried both [0,lcontrol] and [0,lshift] which are my 4 and 1 buttons respectively.

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