TurboGrafx 16 and MAMEBIOS.rar
  • Well, I'm puzzled. I've tried the Rom updater and FTP to move a TG game. I can tell it is in the ROMs directory for TG but it doesn't show up. Further, I expect to see an emulator specific for TG but don't (perhaps it's there but not labeled as I would expect). I thought that the emulator was included as part of the base install of piplay; however, maybe it isn't. Am I missing a step?

    The TG icon is on the Piplay menu and it opens up as one would expect but no games are shown. It is not in the ROM DB, which is obviously the problem. But why is it not being added? I could attempt to add a record to the table. (I assume the system number corresponds to the row in the menu table.) However, it seems there must be some other issue at play.

    IN addition, I cannot seem to get any version of Centipede to work on either flavor of MAME. Seems like files are missing. On one site, I noticed a line for downloading MAMEBIOS.rar. Not sure if I need this and, if so, what to do with it. Any thoughts on that would also be much appreciated
  • ok, so I just tested putting a turbografx game into the turbografx folder and it worked fine for me. Did you try manually running the rom scraper from the main menu (it should auto run in the background, but sometimes it doesn't) you can also try running it from the command line like this:
    python /home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/scraper/scrape_script.py --clean_slate True
    The --clean_slate True flag will delete all previous entries (for any system that you run it for) and run a fresh scan on all of the roms.

    I'm not sure about your centipede problem though. haven't tried it.
  • I must have run the ROM Scraper a dozen times. However, ran it as you suggested and it worked perfectly. Thanks. The odd thing is that the Rom Scraper appeared to work. It asked about scraping for the various emulators and appeared to execute. Of course, it was a bit too fast for me to see if anything happened. By running as you suggested, I could tell it did 100% (all of 1) of the TG. When I ran scraper before, I would just blast through pressing Y and enter on everything. This time, I only did it for a couple of the emulators. I wonder if there is some sort of indexing issue if you exceed a certain count?
    Anyhow. Thanks again!

    (Now if I can just figure out Centipede...you would know it was my wife's favorite game. I guess the good news is that if I can't figure it out, I won't need to buy a trackball! ; - )

  • hmm, it's strange. There shouldn't be an issue with the number of roms that you run, I have batched somewhere around 8,000 in one go with no problems.
  • Actually, I was referring to the number of systems selected (answered Y to) as the possible issue. I assume it is a loop within a loop with two indices at play. However, as I think about it some more, the command would not execute as written and I had to navigate to the proper directory before I executed it, so it may be a path issue. This could be specific to my setup (albeit pretty vanilla since I started with NOOBS). The only other thing I can think of would be a credential issue. Hmm I know nothing of Python, but have a lot of dated experience in other languages so maybe I'll take a gander at the script

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