Letting a PiPlay arcade into the wild
  • So I have been playing around with PiPlay and I want to set it up to be placed in the "wild". Meaning I want to place it somewhere for anyone to play. I've played around and created a custom splash screen, made a custom skin, ordered a cabinet. But there are a couple things I can't figure out. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

    1) Is there somewhere in the code I can change the keystroke to exit back to the command line? I want people to be able to exit the roms but not back to the command line with the same button.

    2) Is there a way to set up a timeout so if a ROM is left unattended it will reboot or return to the menu? This is probably something I would have to edit in the ROM?

    3)Is there a way to activate the screensaver?
  • number one is actually a setting in the menu.
    There is nothing for #2 and 3 that I know of.
  • Thank you @krayzielilsmoki. Feels like I needed to look just a little harder. I thought I would have to change a couple lines of code somewhere. The answer is usually right under your nose.
  • @mcjordan, advmame has a timeout feature, but as far as I know, none of the other emulators do. I'm sure that you could find/write a small script that watches for keyboard/controller input, then after a certain amount of inactivity, it will send a 'key_esc' signal
  • @mholgatem thank you. I haven't ventured too far outside the NES and SNES emulators yet I will definitely look into that thanks so much!
  • yeah, no problem. I'm thinking that it would probably be really easy to modify the retrogame code (by Adafruit) They already have all of the code in there to send keypresses and a timer for debounce issues. You could just get rid of the bits that relate to the gpio and call it a day.

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