Dgenrc file being ignored
  • I've made some manual changes to the dgenrc file in the .dgen folder but the emulator seems to be ignoring it.
    For example I have changed the keys because I want to use Z as one of the buttons, but by default it's mapped to the pause button. I also wanted to change the default Region as I have a couple of games that are a world set and they default to Japanese.
    What am I doing wrong??
  • that usually means that there is an error and it's using default settings. can you post some of the lines that you have modified?
  • I Only modified this line

    # This pauses emulation :)
    key_stop = p

    And these lines

    region = ' '
    str_region_order = "EUJX"

  • I've also tried region = 'E' to force the region to Europe.
  • are you making the changes, and then running the controller config? because that would overwrite your settings. otherwise, I don't see any problem with your options
  • Hi all, I have the same problem with dgenrc file.
    I used TAB from PiPLay main menu to configure the keys, and the dgenrc file reflects what I chose in PiPlay config tool.
    But still, the key_pad1_b assigned to keyboard key "z" key is doing a PAUSE in dgen emulator. So... same problem as SimonFoote for me, and no solution.

    FYI, "z" is the default for MAME for this key_pad1_b button (I use iPAC).

    here is an abstract of my dgenrc file - I don't see any error here, do you ?

    # These are the controls for pad 1
    key_pad1_up = up
    key_pad1_down = down
    key_pad1_left = left
    key_pad1_right = right
    key_pad1_a = lshift
    key_pad1_b = z
    key_pad1_c = x
    key_pad1_x = lctrl
    key_pad1_y = lalt
    key_pad1_z = space
    key_pad1_mode = 6
    key_pad1_start = 2

    # Quit dgen
    key_quit = escape
    # Reset Genesis
    key_reset = f3

    # The same for pad 2
    # Yes, I KNOW the default player 2 keys are awful. Pick your own!
    key_pad2_up = r
    key_pad2_down = f
    key_pad2_left = d
    key_pad2_right = g
    key_pad2_a = w
    key_pad2_b = e
    key_pad2_c = t
    key_pad2_x = a
    key_pad2_y = s
    key_pad2_z = q
    key_pad2_mode = 5
    key_pad2_start = 1
  • To help debugging, if I run dgen from command line, here are the error lines I get:
    please ignore last 2 lines as I ran command via ssh without X.

    Actually I don't use a genesis joystick, but instead ud iPAC that emulates a keyboard.
    I managed to avoid all these errors by commenting matching lines in dgenrc, to make sure that there was no error when running dgen, so that i would not revert to a default keymap....

    BUT still, my keys are just ignored.... "z" still do "pause" instead of button "Player 1-B"

    pi@piplay ~/pimame/emulators/dgen-sdl-1.32 $ ./dgen
    rc: dgenrc:53:23: unknown key `key_splitscreen_toggle'
    rc: dgenrc:84:25: unknown key `bool_splitscreen_startup'
    rc: dgenrc:111:11: unknown key `bool_16bit'
    rc: dgenrc:168:16: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_up': `5'
    rc: dgenrc:169:18: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_down': `5'
    rc: dgenrc:170:18: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_left': `5'
    rc: dgenrc:171:19: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_right': `5'
    rc: dgenrc:172:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_a': `5'
    rc: dgenrc:173:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_b': `6'
    rc: dgenrc:174:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_c': `9'
    rc: dgenrc:175:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_x': `8'
    rc: dgenrc:176:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_y': `0'
    rc: dgenrc:177:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_z': `0'
    rc: dgenrc:178:19: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_start': `0'
    rc: dgenrc:179:18: invalid value for key `joy_pad1_mode': `1'
    rc: dgenrc:182:16: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_up': `5'
    rc: dgenrc:183:18: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_down': `5'
    rc: dgenrc:184:18: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_left': `5'
    rc: dgenrc:185:19: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_right': `5'
    rc: dgenrc:186:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_a': `5'
    rc: dgenrc:187:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_b': `6'
    rc: dgenrc:188:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_c': `9'
    rc: dgenrc:189:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_x': `8'
    rc: dgenrc:190:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_y': `0'
    rc: dgenrc:191:15: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_z': `0'
    rc: dgenrc:192:19: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_start': `0'
    rc: dgenrc:193:18: invalid value for key `joy_pad2_mode': `1'
    sdl: can't init SDL: Unable to open a console terminal
    main: Couldn't initialize graphics!
  • Looking at dgen complaining about invalid keys in it's own dgenrc file, I wonder if this dgenrc file match the dgen emulator version...

    example: unknown key `key_splitscreen_toggle'
    this key is indeed inside the dgenrc file, but why dgen don't know it ???

    Maybe this version uses keys that are named differently ?
    what do you think ?
  • I'm advancing.... found in dgen doc that there is a sample.dgenrc file that, strangely, is quite different from the file we find in /home/pi/.dgen.
    I think I have the beginning of a solution :)
    now I must replace files and set my key to be sure, keep you informed is this works.
  • ok the bad dgenrc file was not the ONLY problem.
    The true problem in our case is that by default in dgen, "z" is the pause key (at least in Sonic which is the one I tried) ; just assign it to another key are you're done. In my case I used "b", as this snippet below:

    # This pauses emulation :)
    key_stop = b

    So, in order, here are the steps for the solution:
    1/ Rename your /home/pi/.dgen/dgenrc file to dgenrc.old
    mv .dgen/dgenrc .dgen/dgenrc.old

    2/ Copy sample from emulator directory
    cp /home/pi/pimame/emulators/dgen-sdl-1.32/sample.dgenrc ./dgenrc

    3/ Copy this sample as .dgenrc
    mv .dgen/sample.dgenrc ./dgen/dgenrc

    4/ edit your .dgen/dgenrc file to your need, copying info from your backed dgenrc above. Important, you MUST map the stop/pause key to something, else "z" will be used.

    I did that and voila, Sonic can hi-jump and speed-jump :) :)

    Hope this helps others
  • I can confirm that piplay will work with your old ps2 controller if you plug in the adaptor you can get on eBay for a couple of pounds and if you want to use a wireless Xbox 360 controller it also recognises this when plugged in. Though some of your members would find this interesting

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