Does PiPLAY set SD card to read only and has anyone had issues with SanDisk Ultra PLUS SD cards?
  • Hi, I've been using PiPLAY for well over a year and (gasp) lost my portable HD which had my Piplay SD card in its case. So I purchased a new SanDisk Ultra PLUS 16GB SD card thinking that would be a quality card, installed and got everything running with no issue. One day I unplugged it while it was running and I got some file system issues upon reboot. I ran fsck and it cleaned things up and it seemed fine after. Next time I went to shut it off I did a shutdown from the menu then unplugged it. I rebooted and had file system issues again. So my questions are: 1) is piplay setup for read-only and if not should there be any issue if I create a ram drive and set it for ready only and 2) has anyone had issue with the SanDisk Ultra PLUS SD cards? I saw a post from one other guy who had issues with this card but that could have been a fluke since it was just 1 other person. Thanks!
  • @tdmame - well, we'll find out. I just ordered the exact same card yesterday. I should have it later today or tomorrow.
  • Thanks for the comment. Do you know if PiPlay runs in read only mode? If not, I am thinking I should set it to so I can protect against random bad writes to the card, especially considering my application will be in a dedicated cabinet with a hard power off for everything
  • no idea, never tried it. For the most part, Piplay just reads, but there are certain writes that it does to the databases (changing settings/adding games to favorites) also it writes to the emulator config files when using controller config.

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