Booting up Not working...Need help!
  • I purchased a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B to use with the PiPlay software. I downloaded the PiPlay 0.8.0 Beta 8 zip file from this website, extracted the image out of it, and used Win32 Disk Imaging to write the image onto a 32 GB Sandisk micro SD card. When I put it in the Raspberry Pi 2 and plug it in, it doesn't boot up correctly. I first get that multi-colored graphic, and then some boot up text goes across the screen, and then it resets and does the same thing again: multi-colored graphic and then boot up text. It does this over and over for about 6-8 times and then it just stops. The red light is on but nothing is on the screen. Is my raspberry pi faulty?
  • It sounds like your pi is faulty, but it's just a guess at this point. Do you have anything plugged into your pi? I would try booting with a clean raspbian image. You may also try unplugging all usb devices before booting. sometimes they can be to blame.
  • I tried the Raspbian image last night. When I tried it with my USB keyboard plugged in, it had a similar issue. It ran the boot-up and looked like it was about to work, and then the screen went dead. So I powered it back on without the keyboard connected and it worked fine.

    I'm about 70% certain I tried unplugging all USB devices when booting from the the PiPlay image but it still didn't work. I'll try it again tonight to confirm.

    Since the Raspbian image worked, is it safe to assume the Raspberry PI 2 is functioning properly? Anything else I can try if booting the PiPlay image without any USB plugged in fails?
  • This fix was given to me by a user of raspicade :

    "There are recognized problems with Samsung Micro SD Cards and Rabsperry Pi 2. One possible solution is after recreate the SD card with Raspicade image go to boot partition and replace this files:
    start.elf and fixup.dat for this files:
    (rename the downloaded file with start.elf and fixup.dat)"

    Seems to work
  • If you are getting a little rainbow square it means you are under powering the PI. I had this and switched to a Ipad USB/power converter and it has worked fine ever since.
  • Are SanDisk SD cards made by Samsung? I thought it was another company. I'll try using raspicade if you think it's needed with a SanDisk 32 GB micro SD card.
  • Holy Crap, I am getting the little rainbow square at the top right of the screen! I never thought it was a power issue. The USB/power converter I have is Samsung and it said it outputs 5V/1A. The Pi manual said it needed at least 600 mA so I thought I was okay with power. I'll try the USB/power converter for my iPad or my iPhone (my iPad is 1st generation so those older converters may not output as much power as the newer iPads need)
  • Pi2 NEEDS 2A power supply. I have a power supply which normally deliver 2100mA.... But I get the little square... see for details
  • For your SD problem, change the power supply and try a rpi-update to get the latest firmeware
  • You guys nailed it. It was the power supply. That little booklet that came with the RPI 2 is says at least 600 mA. My iPad charger outputs 2.1A and it booted up perfectly. Thanks for the help guys. Now I just need to figure out how to play Arcade ROMs on PiPlay. I'll most likely be creating another Forum discussion with that question.

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