Plans for 0.8 Release EDIT: 0.7.5
  • Hey All,

    Here are the plans for what I'm going to include in the next release:

    gpiokey drivers

    This should be available in the next few days.
  • Yep can't wait to test it!

    I try to find out myself, but no result... Wath system will be emulated with your version of advanceMESS?
  • Great!
    I see this page every day.
    This is a very good news.
    Thanks a lot!
  • wiht gpiokeys, would this mean that we could wire a button to one of the GPIO pins and have it work like a key on the keyboard?

    (I'm thinking that the escape button would be a strong candidate, because I want my box to be keyboard-free).
    Additionally if there was a way that would allow ESC to exit games, but NOT the menu, then that would be good. Failing that, if the emulator was exited, it would gracefully shutdown the pi.
  • Any timeframe on when I can fire up the script ? By the way, will mame4all get updated too? :)
  • The new image will be available soon. I'm calling it 0.7.5 because I don't think it's ready for a full number increase yet :) It should be downloadable tomorrow after I upload the image

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