Capturing emulator output via GPIO pins?
  • Hi,

    I'm trying to build a video p0ker machine for my in laws (they live in l
    Las Vegas and love to go out gaming, but my F-I-L is going through chemo and radiation so they can't go out anymore for awhile).

    I found some video pok er ROM s that data output, specifically for the change light, the control button lights, etc. I'd love to capture this information via the pins or USB and use it to control the LEDs in my setup.

    I've tried looking for any information on how to capture this information, but no luck.

    Can anyone help me out?

    Thanks so much!
  • I'm guessing, that you will need a script that watches the output file of the game, then sends corresponding signals to the gpio. Python has a dead simple gpio library that is installed by default on the RPi. just google:

    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

    and you'll get lots of examples:
  • Thank you so much! I'm sorry to be ignorant, but could you point me to where the output file would be stored? That way I can start dissecting it and figuring out what I need to grep.
  • unfortunately, I have no idea where they would output to. what games/emulators are you using?
  • The ROM I'm using is called pex0459pa

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