errno 21? can't play please
  • My screen with the various emulators on does appear after updating today!
    Errno 21/no such file or directory: '/home/pi/pimame/roms/zxspectrum"
    Shows up and nothing else happens.Can somebody help..I'm a novice
  • I believe I am experiencing the same error:
  • in the command line type:mkdir /home/pi/pimame/roms/zxspectrum
  • Wow... a missing directory caused the entire system to fail? Seems like the system should just create an empty dir by itself or skip out of the loop? Could a simple if...else statement have prevented this?

    Thanks mholgatem, you've saved my butt plenty of times already.
  • yeah, it was a miss. I've already patched it. The beta_update script has commands to build the missing folders, that's why we never ran into that.

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