CLRMame Question
  • I want to have CLRMame scan my roms with one of the DATs, then build a corrected set in another folder. Is this possible to do this and leave the source folder untouched? I toyed around with just scanning last night and noticed a couple roms where it was labeled as one game, but the dat said it was something completely different.

    I'm going to make a back up to be safe, but ideally I'd like to use the same source files to create both PiFBA & Mame4All sets.
  • @gamerdad09 - yes, it is possible to do. it's been a while since I have messed with clrmame, but I remember that I had 6000 assorted mame roms and I had it build me 2 sets .106 and .37b5 in two different folders while leaving the original intact. I think that it is under 'options', but I don't remember 100%
  • You're right, by default it's rebuilding to the destination directory without touching the source files. Thank you!

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