Xbox360 Controller Issue
  • Hi peoples, just wondering if someone out there can lend a hand. Have searched the forum to no avail (thats not to say i might have overlooked something). Problem is after downloading and installing the xboxdrv driver and adjusting my rc.local with:
    xboxdrv --trigger-as-button --id 0 --led 2 --deadzone 4000 --silent &
    sleep 1

    I still get a blinking circle and no control on the wired xbox controller.
    Am i missing a step or something? Any help would be fantastic.

    Thanks in advance.
  • So further to this I discovered the tab dialogue box with controller configure in there (on piplay menu screen). Went to that and tried setting those. Strangely the controller seems to be recognized on button press. That said it seems to be super sensitive and one button push (no matter how quick) seems to allocate several buttons. The ring on the controller still seems to flash as though it's not allocated a single controller and won't work in games.

    Any ideas what to try next?
  • the issue with the several button presses is most likely due to a debounce issue. Which we have fixed for the next update. Not sure about the rest of it though.
  • Okay thanks for that mholgatem, hopefully someone else will know. :)

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