Rename Roms in MAME4ALL
  • OK forgive me if this has been answered but a search of the forms and how to's didn't answer my questions. I have a few roms that don't get picked up by the rom scraper and have their names configured in the list so they are easy to read and attach art work. I've been looking through the files and for an XML document to edit because I have found some MAME4ALL info on the web that says to do that for unknown roms. Anyone out there have any advice?
  • I may have found a way, how do I set the scraper to look for clones of roms? Right now it defaults to not looking for them.
  • OK found my answers. For anyone else if you go into the settings (push TAB key on the PiPlay front end) change "scrape clones" from false to true. I only have one game missing artwork now.

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