piplay glitch
  • so i was trying to get to the graphical user interface by exiting piplay and typing startx but when i did that it booted me back to the piplay menu, i even did this with the newest update but it did the same thing. so i messed with the raspi config option to see if i could get it do allow me to boot to the gui. this is where the problem starts. after rebooting the pi and loading piplay when i try to press any button it rapidly mooves back and forth from one option to the next and whin i press tab it thinks im holding the button down and the options menu flashes and when i click on any of the options like exit or restart it does absolutly nothing please help.
  • the latest image file does fix that. It's a pain in the butt to update .profile file with a script, but I'll look into it.

    If you get the beta 6 image or beta 7 image, sshing or going into X windows will not try to relaunch the Menu
  • Yeah, that will happen even if you update from beta 5. Beta 6 uses a newer version of Raspbian so I took the opportunity to change the .profile file. I will have to write a script to run with the updater to change the .profile file to match.

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