Can't find ROMs on USB Drive
  • I decided to wipe my card clean and install the newest version. The menu looks great!! I want to store my ROMs on a USB drive, which was working in my last setup. I downloaded the exFat drivers without problems. Installed Mame without any issues. I updated the Mame Config file to have the RomPath point to the USB drive. I was able to manually mount the drive and then updated the fstab file so it would be mounted at startup.

    Here is where the problems started. After I restarted Mame couldn't find the roms. I used the ESC key to return to the Command Line and was able to use the CD and DIR command to see the ROMs. I used STARTX command to open the GUI and browsed to the Mame executable and launched it, and it saw the ROMs.

    Any ideas why Mame can't find the ROMs at startup?

    Thank you!
  • I copied a ROM into the default folder and when it restarted it found it, even try though the Mame.cfg had been updated and the rompath changed. Is there someplace else that I need to make that change?
  • Looks like I was updating the wrong config file. The discussion below points to the correct config file.

  • - any filesystem is ok for the usb dongle as long as the pi can read it. i used to use ext4.

    Assuming the usb dongle is sda with only one partition :
    # mount /dev/sda1 /home/pi/pimame/roms
    since you're using a windows filesystem, you may have to use a switch to specify the used filesystem :
    # mount -t «filesystem type (eg: vfat, ntfs...)» /dev/sda1 /home/pi/pimame/roms
    Sorry i never used exfat, so i can't tell the right option.

    - look for rom path in config file:

    - copy ROMS in :

    you may want to play with this old script of mine that i used to switch ROM source from SDcard to USB :

    how it works : while executing the script,
    - if sda1 is mounted on /mnt/usb : umount the dongle from /mnt/usb mount point, then mount it to /home/pi/pimame/roms (and play roms from USB)
    - if sda1 is mounted on /home/pi/pimame/roms : umount it then remount it to /mnt/usb (ROMS: from SD card, but the rpi can still access the dongle from /mnt/usb)
    - else it will consider the dongle isn't connected to the rpi

    and this other basic one :
    that is just a switch between «use USB dongle as ROM source (mount it in the right place)» and «umount this USB thing (so that i can safely, physicaly remove it from the rpi)»

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