Scraper Does Not Find Images (mame4all)
  • Hi,

    The rom scraper successfully finds all of my mame4all roms and properly renames the zip files to the correct game titles but it does not find image files for any of the roms. Did I miss something in the configuration or naming of the roms?

    Is it possible to manually add box art to be displayed in the rom selection menu? I couldn't find any information regarding how to name or where to put these files in mame4all.


  • @scottbaiowulf - The format for the mame4all roms has changed, I'm guessing that you haven't upgraded to the latest version yet. I changed the format from .png to .jpg, but the old scraper still looks for the .png files (which are now missing). so you have a couple of options:

    1) update
    2) manually update just the scraper (copy the latest api, then paste it into /home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/scraper/
    3) You can scrape from local images, the caveat is that they need to be named the same as your roms (which isn't a big deal for fba/mame, they already are). You need to have the images located where the scraper can find it. The default location is /path/to/your/roms/images (ex. - /home/pi/pimame/roms/mame4all/images).

    Now, exit to command line and run the scraper with this command:
    python /home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/scraper/ --local_images True
  • Thanks so much for your help! That fixed my problem.


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