Emulation Station
  • Has there been any thought or discussion around implementing Emulation Station? If so I'm curious as to opinions or experiences around it. I've just fired it up for the first time and initially it seems very smooth and well designed, but the controls are tailored completely around a gamepad and I'm building for arcade controls.

    I do like the PiPlay menu, I'm always curious about other projects tho :)

  • EmulationStation is awesome....

    You can use any control things! ;) see https://github.com/ian57/Raspicade-configuration-files/blob/master/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg-all

    see with my xin-mo arcade panel...

    I even added video playing to it thanks to omxplayer ;)
  • Nice looking project. I'm starting to get curious now between PiPlay, RetroPie and now Raspicade as to what the motivations and key differences are for the different projects.

    So far I do prefer PiPlay, with the web interface and python is easy for me to contribute to, however the biggest complaint I have is that code and issues are not centrally managed in github and so contributing is pretty hard.

    The main things I'm disliking about emulationstation at the moment is:

    1) I had mapped PiPlays menu to use any of the arcade play buttons as select, with a single back button. Left and right as page down/up, and I like this layout. Emulation station wants buttons 'A', 'B', 'Start', 'Select', 'pgdown', 'pgup' and directions.

    2) I really don't like the console output seen before and after gameplay in emulationstation.
  • Yes but piplay use xorg and python which is slower than console framebuffer. Main problem with emulation station is that yous must configure your emulators separetely. Raspicade fully support xinmo natively.
  • Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think PiPlay uses xorg at all.
  • Are you sure of that. I will make a test... In the last video we see console background... but mouse cursor at each launch too? So must make deeper research about that.
  • No, PiPlay doesn't use xorg. But one of the python modules allows mouse input.
  • Ok thanks for these answers. no need to make further search ;)

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