Turbografx 16 / PC Engine...?
  • i know this might be a long shot since the overall popularity of the tg16 is sort of low, but i thought i would ask anyway. is there a way to add the Turbografx 16/ P C Engine emulator to PiPLAY? at the very least i would like to possibly boot the Pi directly into the emulator and have some sort of way to exit a the games via the controller sort of like a "press start and select" hot key set up. i have read that they recently achived near perfect emulation of even the CD Rom based games! the main reason i ask is because i want to make another little project and by little i mean down right tiny. i want to take a broken PC Engine and use the shell to house a Pi and basically have every PC Engine HuCard rom on it as well as a top ten of the CD Roms. for those that don't know, here is a photo of the system and a scale reference as to how small it actually is. it would make for a perfect sort of tribute to the little system.
    pc engine photo:  IMG_3738.jpg
  • turbo grafx is already on there. just grab the latest image.
  • Yeah, PC Engine support is already included :) I have a Turbografx 16 at home, and have been trying to find a cheap PC Engine Core so I can play imported HU Games.

    I have a copy of SF2 CE for the PCE and I don't want to region mod my TG16
  • thanks guys, i should have done more research. its been a while since i have been back to this site. Great progress! you should get an everdrive, you can load all the roms on it and toss it into your tg16 and BAM! instant library! i got one and love the crap out of it. my problem is i wanna play the cd games away from my main computer, i this just might do the trick.

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