Input mappings for advancemame
  • I recently build my own arcade machine with some authentic buttons, a Pi, a iPac interface and installed PiPlay. When I wanted to play my gigawing ROM, it failed to start. It said something about "Invalid argument 'keyboard[1,scan0]....". I thought that my key bindings were off so I ran the in game tool to bind the buttons. It created a advance.rc file with the mappings, but the issue still stays the same. The ROM will not start, giving the same issue over and over again.

    I have a B+ model Pi with the latest 0.8.0 Beta4 on it.
  • Aha, I should probably do a rpi-update.

    But I found the problem. The in-menu key configurator created the advance.rc file and mapped left ctrl as lctrl and left control. But for advancemame left control is unknown. I deleted these entries and I was able to play the game...

    Only problem now is that I can only play with my keyboard... not via the ipac buttons/joysticks..

    I might be just a huge noob here... but I have no idea what I'm doing ;-)
  • I'm having the same issue with Advmame, when starting any rom it throws the "invalid argument" message at me listing settings.

    I've tried resetting the controller config a few different ways to see if I could get into Advmame, but no joy.

    I'm running an IPAC2 and a bluetooth keyboard (Rii). Wondering whether it's the config files fighting each other? or is it the "2 keyboards" problem resurfacing again.

    I'm running the PiPlay 0.8beta4.1

    Bit clueless here... anybody got any ideas?

  • @Arninja - I've got the problem of left/right ctrl, shift, alt buttons fixed. It should come out in an update soon. they will now show up as lctrl, lshift, lalt, rctrl, rshift, ralt.

    @CuzSteve - try making those changes listed above and see if that works for you.
  • will giv it a go, mholgatem, cheers for the reply :)
  • I guessing the problem is the controller config app?

    As soon as I mess with that it breaks AdvMAME, before that it works to a degree.
  • I appear to be having a similar problem to this on Piplay 0.8beta9 with advmame. I can configure my xbox 360 controller for "arcade" using the Piplay configuration tool, but when I select a ROM I get this error:
    Invalid argument 'keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,return]' for option 'input_map[start1]'.
    Invalid key 'return'.

    I'm digging into the cause of it now, but just thought I would put it out there. Thanks!
  • Ok. I figured it out. Just edit the advmame.rc file in the /home/pi/.advance/ directory and replace these two lines:

    input_map[start1] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,return]
    input_map[coin1] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,escape]

    with these two lines:

    input_map[start1] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,enter]
    input_map[coin1] keyboard[1,scan0] or keyboard[0,esc]

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