Rom Scraper Error
  • When i run the rom scraper on my nes rom set it starts up like normal then gets a few roms in and then gives me this error then restarts back to the piplay menu.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/scraper/", line 95, in
    File "/home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/scraper/", line 80, in __init__
    rom_data = scraper.match_rom_to_db(category)
    File "/home/pi/pimame/pimame-menu/scraper/", line 314, in match_rom_to_db
    Lratio = ratio(rom_name, game_entry.ascii_title)
    TypeError: ratio expected two Strings or two Unicodes

    I've tried on a few different rom sets, both just .nes files and .zip of a nes file.
    It also seems to not update the number of roms shown in the small red box at the bottom right corner of the NES Emulator icon on the PiPlay menu page? Even when i delete all roms out of the rom folder and run the scraper i still recieve the same error and it still thinks that there are roms in the rom folder?
  • ok, so what that error is telling you is that it is trying to compare rom_name to game_entry.ascii_title but they aren't in the same format. Meaning that you have roms names that contain Unicode characters rather than just Ascii characters. You need to rename any files that contain unicode characters.

    An easy way of doing this is by downloading the free software ReNamer
    - click the "+ add" button to add a new renaming rule.
    - select "RegEx"
    - on the expression line, copy and paste this:
    - leave the Replace line blank
    - then click "Add rule"
    - now click "Add folders"
    - select the folder with your roms
    - at the bottom, it should now give you a list of roms along with what they will be renamed to (only ascii characters). Check to make sure that they are acceptable.
    - if they are acceptable, click the "rename" button
  • Thanks again for your help @mholgatem. I ran that renamer program, it didn't want to change any names in any of my rom sets. So I tried uploading them again and now the rom scraper works fine and verifies all the roms and images, but now I'm missing that disksys.rom file as well. Have found the file and now just need to place in the right folder to see if that fixes the problem.

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