Genesis roms won't load
  • I keep getting "sh: 1: /home/pi/pimame/emulators/dgen-sd1-1.32/dgen: not found"
  • yeah, the dgen binary is missing. I will be home for a few hours later this evening and I will upload it to my google drive. Or, you could install a previous version of piplay (like .8 beta 3) and grab the binary from there.
  • I'll be home in about 7 hours. I could wait if you upload it. Thanks.
  • ok, you can download the binary here. I haven't had a chance to test it though because my drive with all my games just died.
  • Thanks! I'll get home soon. Sorry about the drive.
  • Sorry, I forgot to change my google drive permissions. You should be able to download it now.
  • Thanks for the link. Now I get "sh: 1: /home/pi/pimame/emulators/dgen-sd1-1.32/dgen: Permission denied"
  • @Pristopher - you need to change the permissions of the file then.
    sudo chmod 755 /home/pi/pimame/emulators/dgen-sd1-1.32/dgen
  • pi@raspberrypi ~/pimame/pimame-menu $ sudo chmod 755 /home/pi/pimame/emulators/dgen-sd1-1.32/dgen
    chmod: cannot access `/home/pi/pimame/emulators/dgen-sd1-1.32/dgen': No such file or directory

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