I-Pac controller config
  • I have an I-Pac that I've tested with RetroPie and after backing the KS campaign for PiPlay I thought I'd jump ship early and give it a test. The problem I've got it that when I go into controller configuration PiPlay says no controller found and dumps me back at the terminal

    Is this likely to be a bug or is it that I-Pac support isn't in place yet as its a keyboard emulator? I assume that PiPlay requires manual config of a keyboard as a controller at the moment as its still in dev as I've not been able to use my keyboard in the controller config either, just wanted to confirm this point

    Also, when I'm dumped back at the terminal is there a quick way to get back to the PiPlay frontend without a reboot? I'm sure that's a question with a quick answer but I'm a bit of a linux newbie so forgive my naivety

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