Back to PiPlay central menu after rom failure
  • After rom failure i always go into cmd. I know that i can type "exit" and go back to piplay.
    But, i was wondering, if i do not want to use a keyboard - but only gamepad -, is there any way to auto achieve that ?
  • well, pressing "up arrow" (or the equivalent) lets you scroll through previous inputted commands, not sure if that would work on a gamepad. Otherwise, you could make a script that checks for button presses and then outputs 'exit' if it sees a certain combo. I'm betting that someone has already written a script to navigate the command line with a gamepad.
  • Can you emmbed this kind of "trick" to the next release?Thanks;)
  • probably not the next release, as we are sort of past the point of no return in terms of adding features for the next one. But perhaps some future release can get it. My question is why are you getting kicked to the console on rom failure. it should be taking you to the piplay main menu on failure.
  • Good question..I think i have this problem in (almost all) my mame roms (advance mame):(
  • maybe that was one of the first things that we fixed in this new version that's coming out soon and I just don't remember. :)
  • So we keep our fingers crossed:) I cant wait to test the new one!

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