Is artwork feature being worked on for MAME4ALL yet?
  • I'm dying for artwork, so while playing my game in vertical mode on horizontal monitor in my arcade and there are empty black areas on either side. So artwork would fill that up both empty areas.

    I also noticed that if you added artwork in MAME4ALL, there's only selected games will work with artwork, such as Battle Zone and Armor Attack. And you have to hit tab to bring up menu and artwork would appear. Strange?

    I'd like if artwork feature was added as optional feature for ALL games on MAME4ALL. You could use .lay file to create your own artwork and zip it up and upload it to Pi via Internet. You can start playing with nice artwork. Would be cool.

    So, any idea if this is going to happen?

    (my grammar is terrible, don't feel like revising my grammar, haha)
  • Are you confusing Artwork with bezels?

    I think some of the actual arcade games had images inside which were projected into the screen. Those images can't be emulated and have the actual image put to the screen through the emulator.

    Bezels on the other hand were on the edges all the way around the screen usually. There's plenty of sites out there with the bezels if that's what you're referring too.

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