MAME4all config issue
  • I have an x-arcade 2 player joystick hooked up to my PiPlay setup, and everything works great, except that it will not let me map player 2 button 6. The button maps to the ']' character on the keyboard. It doesn't let me map it using the keyboard or the button on the joystick. Is there somewhere else that the ']' key is used that would prevent this from being assigned?
  • My bad, it is actually the '[' key that it should be mapped to. But the question remains :)
  • I have found that the key is defined as SDLK_LEFTBRACKET = 91, but I still do not know what needs to be done in order to map this key. When I am mapping keys, everything else works, but this key just does not register in the MAME configuration. The key does work fine from the terminal, though. It seems that PiPlay is capturing it or something, but I am not sure. Any ideas?
  • I did a search and didn't find anything useful except the standard ASCII mappings. I think you're right and the PiPlay guys might have to dig into that one. I would be curious what it is though.
  • So far my best option I have come up with is to re-configure the X-arcade buttons to map to different keys on the keyboard. It appears that both the [ and ] keys are not recognized from within the emulator. All other keys seem to work fine, so now I need to choose one of the alternate configurations and then reconfigure it. I will try that later tonight and check back in here with the results.
  • I re-programmed the X-Arcade player 2 key 5 to be V (instead of '[') and key 6 to be B (instead of ']') and now MAME4all lets me map them accordingly. Phew!
  • That's nice and handy to remember that basically MAME4ALL doesn't like the brackets? If I may ask how do you reprogram the keys on the X-Arcade?
  • They have a switch on the back for different configurations. The default configuration can't be changed, but if you change to another configuration, you can program the buttons/joystick to anything you want. Instructions here:ā„¢+Programming+Guide

    I don't know if it is MAME4all only that doesn't like them, but that is the only emulator that I have used with the X-arcade. So I am not sure if it is PiPlay catching the keystrokes, or if they aren't making it to MAME for some other reason.

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