Need help
  • Hi, I know I can put a button on a gpio pin but is it just plug and play? Do I have to do some programming or something for it to work I mame4all?
  • it's not plug and play, you need to run a script that will poll the gpio and then translate it to a key press (it's easier than it sounds). Check this out ->

    They provide step by step for adding a button plus provide you a script (possibly one of the easiest to use scripts).
  • Is the retrogame from GitHub compatible with piplay 0.7.10. The reason why im using 7.10 is because any of the 0.8 does not work for me.
  • yeah, it works on either. It just runs in the background.
  • Where do I put the uncompressed file? Do I just put it on the SD card?
  • yup. I made a folder called ~/gpio-controller and threw it in there. Then you just edit it with 'nano ~/gpio-controller/retrogame.c' and set it according to your set up (depends on which pins you are plugged into and what keypress you want to output). Then you save, exit and then type 'make' and it will compile. then just follow the rest of the instructions on that link that I gave you and it will tell you how to test it and make it run on startup.

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