[Build Log] Raspberry Pi Classic Arcade MAME Cabinet - Custom Artwork
  • I am finally finished . . . for now. Well its up and running anyway. I still have some tweaking and a few things I'd like to do down the road. Here is is though, my full build log:

  • Nicely done! How long did it take you from start to finish? I really like the 80MM fan adapted for the Pi case, that's classic! :) Why did you choose to face the fan in vs. out or at least ventilation when facing in. It seems like the "reverse" pressure would fight against the fan making it less efficient.

    For overclocking I used a set of these:


    An open faced Pi only mounted on a skeleton bracket overclocked to 1Ghz and it runs in the upper 30's but it does use one 5V and ground GPIO pin. I haven't enclosed it in a stick case yet which I am sure will drive it up a bit more.

    I have a fascination with overclocking/cooling when it really is probably not needed for the most part in Pi implementations but I still like to see what people do..

    That's a really nice project, congratulations and enjoy the time with your dad. Life really changes when they are gone.
  • That is a nicely done build! One of the best ones I've seen. Very awesome sadeter! Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
  • What cab was that before? Looks like a Golden Tee, but the paint job makes me suspect an EA conversion.

    Either way, it looks good! Lots of room :)
  • Thank you all!

    I went and picked up the cabinet in August I believe, so it's been about 10 months. There was a good bit of dead time in there though, probably only about 8 months of working on it. If I did another one, I could probably do it in under six months - close to three with no artwork.

    Yes it was originally a Golden Tee cabinet before being converted into a multi-game cabinet. That's one reason why I couldn't use any of the original control panel and had to start from scratch. It had already been redone once.

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