Mame4All can't find files or game "" not supported
  • I try this..

    rm -r ~/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms
    ln -s ~/pimame/roms/mame4all ~/pimame/emulators/mame4all-pi/roms

    but nothing changed :(

    I cant play any tetris game or snow bros, only dinosaur vs cadillacs
  • the same thing happened to me. In the second part, did you type Ln or in? because it's Ln
  • Are you sure you are running romsets 0.37b5 version?
  • yeah, if you are getting some games to work, then I'm guessing that the others are missing files or are the wrong romset. mame4all uses .37b5 and advmame uses .106
  • try going to an older version of piplay. I use the .7.10 and it works perfect.

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