XBox 360 Controller - mouse is moving instead of the focus ot a category?
  • Hello folks,

    I have a new problem after I installed successfully PiPlay on a berryboot:
    My XBox-Controller (Wireless) move the mouse on the 'category'-screen instead of the focus to each category.
    (I hope I explained it understandable).
    I want it again to move the focus on each category (NES, MAME, Atari 2600, etc..)

    What happend and how can I fix it again?
    The image is downloaded from here specially configured for berryboot.
    The normal PiPlay 0.8.3 worked fine.

    I hope somebody can help me & thanks very much!
  • Are you saying that the analog stick on your Xbox controller is moving the cursor rather than the green box thing moving?
    If so, i think it's a problem in your controller config file. The following should fix it:
    First exit the PiPlay menu by pressing [ESC]
    Open the file in nano by typing:
     nano /home/pi/pimame/config/xboxdrv_mapping.cfg

    Find where it says:

    That is the controller axis mapping, I think that controls the mouse (someone correct me if i'm wrong).
    Change it to:

    Then it would control the arrow keys instead. Its case sensitive i think.
    Press [CTRL] + [X] to exit nano and press [Y] to save.
    Then reboot/logout to reload. Sorry if I didn't explain it clearly enough...

    Good luck with it :D

    Check out my blog ;)

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