Trying to run MAME4ALL BIOS file crashes to shell
  • When running MAME4ALL (v0.37b5) there's only one BIOS file called It shows up in the game list and if you run the file it crashes to the shell prompt because it's not a game. Is there any way to reload the game menu on an error/crash or possibly hide the BIOS files? MAME4ALL only has one but ADVMAME has several. When running with no keyboard that's a challenge to get the menu running again.

    On a side note I've noticed MAME4ALL runs games faster (almost all games run 100% and 60fps) and it doesn't crash on several games that ADVMAME seems to do.

    Speed wise Double Dragon, Gauntlet 2, The King of Dragons, etc., etc. (long list) run fine and at full speed on MAME4ALL. Space Invaders ( and Battle Zone ( work fine on MAME4ALL but crash on ADVMAME (v0.106). I think they are vector based games that cause some issues.

    The trade off is ADVMAME has some games like Lemmings, Lunar Battle, Super Mario Bros. that MAME4ALL doesn't. I definitely prefer MAME4ALL over ADVMAME for performance if they both have the same game.

    Any thoughts on MAME4ALL vs. ADVMAME?

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